
5 incredible health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree and how to take care

Since years, the fiddle leaf fig tree, scientifically known as Ficus lyrata, has enjoyed enormous popularity as an interior plant. It features broad, eye-catching fiddle-shaped leaves at the tip of a thin stem. The tree can reach a height of ten feet when grown indoors and fifty feet when grown outdoors. In addition to being attractive, there are also health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree.

Overview about fiddle leaf fig tree

The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree
Fiddle leaf fig tree

The fiddle leaf fig tree, sometimes known as the banjo fig, is native to tropical rain forests in West Africa. This tree has neither fruit or flowers; instead, its beauty is found in its leaves.

The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig trees purify the air by eliminating harmful substances like ammonia, leaving us with clean air to breathe. Large green leaves are relaxing, lower blood pressure and stress levels, and enhance focus. Taking care of plants can give people’s life more purpose.

The great health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree

1. Clean the air

The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree are great at creating oxygen, which elevates the quality of the air, due to their quick photosynthetic processes. Furthermore, research have shown that fiddle leaf figs are the best plants for absorbing harmful substances including benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonium.

The great health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree
Fiddle leaf fig can purify the air

They can respire and photosynthesize quickly due to their huge leaves, which results in them creating a lot of oxygen. Fiddle leaf fig trees take in the harmful carbon dioxide and poisonous chemicals that are released into the air as they photosynthesize.

Environmental air is drawn into the soil by plant roots. The roots of fiddle leaf figs contain microbes that absorb oxygen for use by the plant while filtering harmful substances.

2. The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree for the psychology

The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree for the psychology
The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree for the psychology

According to psychological research, being close to nature is vital for good mental health. For some people who live or work in cities, it can be difficult to venture outside and into the lush, outer environment. Bringing in vegetation is the next best choice.

The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree are good as indoor plants since they thrive in indirect light. Their huge, rich, vibrant green leaves transform the atmosphere of the space, making it calmer and more tranquil.

Fiddle leaf fig trees and other plants have been found in studies to promote mental focus and aid in concentration. The productivity of rooms with plants increases by 15%. The use of plants in workspaces such as offices, study spaces, and classrooms is significantly impacted by this issue.

Fiddle leaf fig trees have both physical and psychological advantages. They have been demonstrated to lower blood pressure and stress.

3. Sick Building Syndrome Is Helped By Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

Sick building syndrome is an interesting phenomenon that frequently occurs in newly constructed or renovated structures. These structures have recently been painted, the carpets are glued down, and numerous other chemicals were employed during the constructing, finishing, and decorating processes. These substances start to “off-gas,” or release unpleasant gases that are bad for the occupants’ health.

The mucous membranes of the throat, nose, lungs, and eyes get irritated by the fumes in sick building syndrome. The sinuses, lungs, throat, and eyes become inflamed and infected as a result of the discomfort.

The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree
Sick Building Syndrome Is Helped By Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

Sick building syndrome causes frequent coughing and blocked noses in a lot of people. Additionally, the fumes may make you feel exhausted, mentally clouded, unable to focus, and depressed.

Large leaves on fiddle leaf fig trees make them ideally suited to purifying the air in unhealthy structures. Many property owners frequently add greenery to their structures, such fiddle leaf fig trees. To promote their health, tenants and those who reside in or work in recently constructed or renovated buildings purchase their own fiddle leaf fig trees.

4. A recommendation for people with Pollen Allergies

Ficus genus plants, which include fiddle leaf figs, do contain some latex, which can aggravate people who have latex allergies or sensitivities. They can cause skin rashes when handled directly, and they can trigger respiratory issues when breathed in through the air.

However, because fiddle leaf fig plants don’t normally produce blossoms when they are planted indoors, they are a wonderful option for homes of people who have allergies to various forms of pollen.

5. Enhances Sleep

Enhances Sleep
Fiddle leaf fig helps get a good sleep

The big leaves of fiddle leaf figs create and exhale a lot of oxygen during the photosynthesis process. When there is no sunlight to catalyze photosynthesis during the night, the process stops, and the plant can start to release some carbon dioxide.

However, the health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree generate so much oxygen throughout the course of the day that they ultimately raise the level of oxygen in your interior environment. They can therefore assist in making your sleep better because a lot of oxygen promotes the brain to remain in a calm, recuperative stage of deep sleep.

How to care fiddle leaf fig tree

This plant frequently has issues like losing leaves or turning ugly brown. Inappropriate soil, water, light, and fertilizer are the main causes. Despite the fact that this plant care is difficult for novices, most growers can manage without a specialist.

How to care fiddle leaf fig tree
How to care fiddle leaf fig tree

1. Light

This plant requires a few hours (3–4) of daily direct sunlight or a lot of bright ambient light. Since too much sunshine may burn the leaves and little light would cause the plant to quickly decay. To maintain the leaves clean and glossy, remember to wipe them once a week. For balanced growth, it is best to rotate the fiddle leaf fig because it leans in the direction of the light source.

2. Water

When the top few inches of the soil are dry, fiddle leaf figs need water; they need less water in the winter. Water deeply, then wait a few while before watering again.

This plant dislikes excessive or insufficient watering because the latter might result in root rot and brown or yellow leaves. On the other hand, being submerged could result in the top leaves becoming brown and falling off. So it’s important to regularly check for wet or excessively dry soil.

3. Temperature and Humidity

The recommended range for healthy growth is between 60°F and 75°F (15°C and 24°C). Warm, humid weather is ideal for the growth of fiddle leaf figs, therefore you may control humidity levels with a humidifier.

4. Soil

The best soil for these plants is well-drained loamy soil to prevent root rot.

5. Fertilizer

During the growing season, fertilize with a water-soluble fertilizer roughly once a month. During the wintertime dormant season, stop fertilizing.

6. Planting

The planter should be able to support watering and have enough drainage holes for water to drain.

7. Repotting

Since this plant is probably somewhat pot-bound, you only need to change the dirt once a year. Young plants should, however, be replanted each spring.

Furthermore, it ought to be done after their roots begin to protrude from the ground. Don’t forget to transfer the plant into a pot that is 2 to 3 inches bigger.

8. Pruning

Fiddle leaf fig plants should be pruned as needed to preserve their size, get rid of old leaves, promote branching, and advance their growth.


The health benefits of fiddle leaf fig tree work wonders for treating sick buildings and purifying the air. Their lavish green leaves can lift one’s spirits, aid in concentration, and increase output. They are also useful plants for designing gardens and home decor.

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